Friday, February 21, 2014


Religion consists in fulfilling rites, forms, ceremonies, percepts, laws and commandments. Salvation consists in the imparting of a new life by the receiving of a person.
RELIGION is what man does for God: Salvation is what God does for man (Isaiah 53:6)
Religion says: something in my hand I bring: Salvation says: Nothing in my hands I bring (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Religion is trusting in a work we do: Salvation is trusting in a work that has been done (Matthew 26:28)
Religion depends on our behaving: Salvation depends on our believing (Acts 16:31)
Religion says we must act our best: Salvation says we must accept God’s best (John 3:16)
Religion depends on the sufficiency of character: Salvation depends on the sacrifice on the cross (1 Corinthians 1: 18)
Religion tries to furnish a sacrifice: Salvation trusts on a finished sacrifice (John 19:30)
Religion tries to bring us from darkness to light but Salvation does bring us from death unto life (John 5: 24)

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