Thursday, August 20, 2015


Dear single lady & gentleman,

Your single season is such an advantage for you. It gives you the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others and the path others took to be successful before marriage. It is an opportunity for you to work on yourself and become the best you possible so you can give your best to your future spouse and family. It is an opportunity for you to freely go after the things of God. Spend your time with soul winning, sharing the gospel, developing the fruits of the spirit and other Christian activity that would make you a valuable asset to your family.

 Don't despise this advantage to prepare adequately for marriage. Don't be so bent on jumping into a relationship and getting married. Marriage can never go out of style; this very minute, people all over the world are saying some kind of vows. Be at peace and enjoy your single days; be glad that you still have the opportunity to do the right things before marriage.

Many in marriage lost that opportunity and are trying all they can now to make it work. Many are patching and stitching their marriages on a daily basis. In fact, many are wishing they were single again!!! Imagine that!!! That won't be your story! Thank God that all hope is not lost for them because God can still restore and rebuild.

However, nothing compares to getting it right from the beginning, which is the great chance you still have as long as you desire marriage. See your single days as preparation time; nothing beats preparation & preparation time is never wasted time! Use this season wisely; remember that you won't get it back and you wouldn't want it back either - if you prepare yourself well in all areas and FULLY rely on God's leading!