Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I’m a Sunday school teacher in our local church. I teach 10 to 12 year old’s each Sunday. The call to ministry is exciting yet a challenging one. It’s takes a lot of preparation both spiritual and physical to be able to effectively minister to the students.

I have served in this ministry since 2014, and although there is so much to learn, I would like to share a little of what I have experienced so far with you.

Sunday school ministry has a lasting effect on a child through to his or her adult and old age life. Most adults still remember their favorite memory verses, Bible stories and songs that they learned while they were young.

Today, I would like to share with you some experiences in the Sunday school ministry to encourage others to also serve in this ministry.


A teacher must be constantly studying the word of God for him or herself and also to teach his or her class. Preparation to teach the class on Sunday must start early in the week.  Never enter your class with little or no preparation.

A teacher must consistently pray for the class, the lesson and the heart of the students. With prayer, God will give you the strength, wisdom and ability to deliver the message effectively.

Sunday school teacher must develop a mutual relationship with the students. This will create an enabling environment for the student to feel welcome.


Each of us has those Sundays when for reasons in our control or out of our control, our lessons just do not go as we expected or desired. Sometimes we have a bad-lesson day.

When those times comes, we need to be determine to work harder for next Sunday, but we need to remember that we have something more influential and powerful than a good lesson- OUR LIFE AND EXAMPLE. That’s not to minimize the importance of striving for a good lesson. Simply put, even if things do not go well on a Sunday, we can still teach a powerful lesson through our lives.


  • When we kindly greet our students as they enter class, we teach them the Biblical truth of treating people with respect.
  • When we ask about their lives and problems, we teach them to care for other people.
  • When we pray for their needs, we teach them the importance of prayer.
  • When we handle a difficult situation in class with patience, we teach them the Biblical truth of self-control.
  • When we visit their homes or make a point to see them during the week, we teach them the importance of caring for others’ needs.

Be careful! Realizing the teaching power of our lives and testimonies should encourage us when we are preparing for a lesson. We should not fall into the trap of saying “My lessons are unimportant. I don’t need to spend too much time on them.” Teaching by life and example is not meant to replace good lessons.


God is a good pay master! He rewards every good deed done in His name. As you serve Him, you can be sure that He will honor you.

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom you serve

Daniel 12:3 says "Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

Our God is a God who sees in the secret and who rewards us openly, so others can see it. God will never forget your work and the labour of love you showed towards His Name (Hebrew 6:10).

By: Samuel Mantey

Twitter: @SamuelMantey
