Monday, August 19, 2013


God hate idols. He is the ONLY God in the world. He does not want to share His glory with anybody or anyone in Heaven or on earth. God cast Satan down from Heaven because he had wanted to usurp his throne and share in glory.
The first commandment God gave the people of Israel is not to worship any other gods besides him.  Today, people worship fame, money, their businesses, television, properties and themselves instead of giving God His glory. We should know that whether we refuse to God His honour, He still remains God. We will one day bow down to worship Him.
The Bible in John 18:6 says ‘As Jesus said ‘I AM he,’ they all drew back and fell on the ground!’ This illustrates that even when Jesus was about to be crucified the soldiers worshipped him before handling him over to be trialed.
God is God, we are dust! We have no other business here on earth than to give him all the dew recognition and applause he deserves.
God or idols, why did people continually turn to idols instead of to God?
Idols are;
1.     Tangible
2.     Morally similar-have human characteristics
3.     Comprehensive
4.     Able to be manipulated
God is;
1.     Intangible-no physical form
2.     Morally dissimilar-have divine characteristics
3.     Incomprehensible
4.     Not able to be manipulated
Worshiping idols involves:
1.     Materialism
2.     Sexual immorality
3.     Doing whatever a person wanted
4.     Focusing on self
Worshiping God involves:
1.     Sacrifice
2.     Purity and commitment
3.     Doing what God wants
4.     Focusing on others

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