Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Surprises in Heaven. Will you be there?

Don’t Be surprise to see anybody or no body in Heaven. Our presence on earth is a beginning of our journey to Heaven. Some Christians mistakenly condemn people that we think have NO chance in heaven.  But Heaven is no mans land therefore No man can judge who will make it there. The Bible urges us to Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” Luke 13:24. When we ask God to surprise us, we belittle Him because God is all knowing and is never surprised!
God look in the Heart of Men and NOT in the outward appearance and positions. In fact, the Bible only mentioned Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Lazarus (the beggar), the thief who died on the cross with Jesus and the other prophets as the only few people in the bosom of God. So will you be there?

The people you may have thought that wouldn’t be there will be there.
Yeah, we worship Satan here…and we’re going to hell, what do you think about that?!” Don’t condemn them or judge them for they can be saved on the last day and make to Heaven. What is even sadder is the fact that some people think they are going to heaven because they are “pretty nice people” and are obeying the word of God.  But there’ll be a lot of “nice people” in hell.  Those night club strippers, Hip-Hoppers, Prostitutes, armed robbers and their ‘brothers and sisters in crime’ all have equal opportunities if they believe and repent from their evil ways in the last days. Remember the robber who is in paradise with Jesus because he was saved on the last day on the cross.

The people you thought that would be there won’t be there.
There are a lot of Christians out there today who are pretty certain they already know everything about God and Heaven and salvation and who is in and who is out. Pastors, Gospel Singers, Evangelists are some people we might think they have access to the Keys in Heaven but some might NOT be there! Don’t be Surprise!
Just as Jesus surprised us all by allowing the rich young ruler to walk away without salvation and the thief on the cross to die with his salvation intact, God has watched (and will continue to watch) people who thought they were good enough for heaven stand on the outside and people who knew they were NOT good enough welcomed in. 

When it comes to eternity, it really isn’t about what you know…according to Jesus, it is about Who you know. And if you Know Jesus and follow his word you are bound to be with Him.
So will you be there?........................

By: Samuel Mantey
Twitter: SamuelMantey

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