In this generation, people do not want to hear the word “REPENT”,
but that is the message for the people. In fact, Jesus Christ began his
ministry by telling his countrymen and community to come to the repentance of
this sinful world.
Do not harden your heart but bring forth genuine fruits of
repentance. This is not a superficial and shallow “sorry, for all I have done”.
No, true repentance means a clear turning away from all sinful pleasures of
this world.
Repentance requires a clear cut between you and all the
corrupt practices of our days (immorality, alcohol, fame, lust, envy, pride
etc). If you thoroughly repent, you start to hate what God hates and to love
what God loves. Other fruits of true repentance become apparent in your life:
stolen things are returned to their owners, dishonest dealings and lies are put
right, quarrels are settled and many other things are dealt with.
You realize that biblical repentance is more than just a
cheap “sorry”. And I can assure you that God will not remain silent to such a
sincere change of heart and attitude.
There is God
The Bible says and nature confirms it, “There is a God!” And
yet thousand shut their spiritual eyes and reply boldly,”We can’t see him,
therefore is no God!” A very convincing proof isn’t it. Well, I felt sorry for
my little son whose logic had let him down so badly. And I feel sad and
burdened when I think of all those multitudes that deny the existence of God
and thus believe to have wiped him out.
Dear friend, God does not only exist in the minds of those
people who believe in him. He is not just an idea or the result of our
thinking. God’s existence does not depend on our thoughts. God existed long
before your thoughts were there. He will still exist long after your body will
have decayed in the grave.
Don’t fool yourself!
The Bible says, “After death- judgment!”Even if you shut
your eyes and reject the idea totally, this biblically statement is and remains
valid irrespective of your personal thoughts on this matter.
Revelation 20:14-15, “Then (after judgment) death and Hades
were thrown into the Lake of Fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If
anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the
lake of fire”
Don’t say, “This is all nonsense. How could a God of love be
so cruel?” Don’t let such argument deceive you.
Let yourself be
trained by God
Dear friend, if you have truly repented and let God do his
saving and restoring work in your life, then by God’s grace you will able to
walk in the light as God is light. The grace of God wants to train you to say
“NO” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright
and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope-the
glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
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