Friday, August 26, 2011


Some people might have escape from accidents, death, or even sickness but can we escape from the power and destiny of God? Let’s examine some of the great attempts to escape from the Lord and the consequences.
Jacob --Fled from his father-in-law, Laban after almost 20 years of service. The Effects- He allowed Jacob to return home for Isaac’s death and for reconciliation with Esau- Genesis 31:1-55.
Moses- Fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian in defence of a fellow Israelite. The effect: saved his life and began another part of God’s training.
Lesson: God fits even our mistakes into his plan. Exodus 2: 11-15
The Spies from Israel: Escaped searches in Jericho by hiding in Rahab house. Effects- Prepared the destruction of Jericho and preserved Rahab who would become one of David’s and Jesus ancestors.
Lesson: Gods plan weaves lives together in a pattern beyond our understanding. Joshua 2:1-24
Israelites: Escaped Egypt after 430 years in slavery. Lesson: God will not forget his provider. Exodus 2:11-15
Samson: escape a locked city by ripping the gates from their hinges. Lesson without dependence on God even great ability are wasted. Judges 16:1-3
Elijah: Fled into the wilderness out of the few of Queen Jezebel. Lesson: Even at the moments of real succession or personal weakness and our greatest challenges. I Kings 19:1-18
Peter: Freed from prison by an angel. Saved peter for God’s further plans for his life. Lesson-God can use extraordinary means to carry out his plan often after we least expect it. Acts 12:1-11


The Deputy Ranking Member on the Finance Committee, Ignatius Baffour Awuah has credited the former President Kufour administration for the reduction of poverty over the last period.
He stated that President Kufour and the NPP strategize good poverty eradication policies to help minimize the rate of poverty especially in the rural and deprived areas.
Ignatius Baffour Awuah explains that the poverty rate in the country as at the time the NPP left office the poverty level was 28 per cent but the figures has increase to 30 per cent.
He blamed the Mills government for the increment stating that there refuse to continue with the poverty reduction policies they inherited.