A young man had been
promoted to an important position in his company. He'd never dreamed
he'd be in such a position, much less at such a young age.
So he went to see the venerable old timer in the company, and said, "Sir, I was wondering if you could give me some ADVICE."
The old timer came back with just two words: "Right decisions!"
The young man had hoped for a bit more than this, so he said, "Thank
you, that's really helpful, and I appreciate it, but could you be a
little more SPECIFIC? HOW do I make right decisions?"
The old man responded: "Experience."
The young man said, "Well, that's just the point of my being here. I don't have the kind of experience I need. How do I GET it?"
The old man replied: "WRONG decisions!"
End of story.
Remember that God uses our failures, mistakes, or wrong decisions to make us a better person.
So if you made mistakes, don't be too hard on yourself.
Instead, memorize this Bible verse:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28