Friday, February 21, 2014


Years ago two brothers were living in an oriental city. The younger brother hung around with his bad companions, and day and night the power of evil drew him more and more into an abyss that would finally destroy his life. The older brother, however, was considerate towards other people, loving God and following the teachings of the Bible. His brother’s careless lifestyle deeply worries him and often tried to talk to him to turn from his wicked ways and he showed him a way out of the grip of his bad habits.
Unfortunately his brother showed no sign of regret. He totally ignored all the good advice and held on to his shameful lifestyle. His older brother kept on praying for him, waiting for God’s intervention.
Late one night there was a loud knock at the door of the elder brother. He quickly opened- and surprised, he pulled his younger brother inside. “What’s wrong?, he asked.  Altogether pale, trembling and with blood-stained clothes his brother gasped, “Help me, hide me! They are after me. Look at the blood! I have killed the man! Oh no! It all happened so quickly. There was no time to waste as the older brother desperately sought a way out of this hopeless situation.
In great love for his brother an idea suddenly formed in his mind. Without comment he changed the bloodstained clothes of his brother and put them on himself, giving him his own clean shirt to wear. He pushed him into a room and locked the door. When the Policemen came, they arrested the older brother. They grabbed him, bound his hands and pulled him along to throw him into prison.
Not defending himself, not even saying a word, the man was sent to prison straight away. The next morning he was ordered to a hearing. He did not defend, but kept repeating the words “I know that I must die because of this crime and the sooner the better!”

After a few days he was taken to court. The judges listened to the accusers. The considered the police report. They asked the accused man, “Do you want to say anything to justify yourself?”- No, he said firmly, lowering his head so that his innocent look would not betray him. There was convincing evidence which made the judges pronounce a death sentence on him.
 The evening before his execution he asked the director of the prison to grant him one last wish. He wanted to write one last letter and asked the director to forward it unopened to the addressee after his death. The director studied the calm and peaceful face of the condemned man. A bright and heavenly radiance shone from his eyes. There was no doubt about his honesty and so his wish was granted. Later that evening the prisoner handed a sealed envelope to the warden to be delivered. Then he was left to himself for the last hours of his life.

In the morning he was taken to the place of execution. After his death a messenger was sent to deliver the sealed letter. A man pale with fear received the letter nervously. After a long stare at it he broke the seal, and moaning in pain he read slowly, “Tomorrow I will die for you, wearing your clothes. And you- may you live in righteousness and holiness wearing my clothes and remembering me! The criminal was shaken to the very depth of his heart. He read the words again. They seemed unbelievable to him.
The director was speechless and sent the letter to the judges in charge. They questioned the murder who confessed everything, his past life, the murder, his escape and his cowardly silence. In his terrible guilt he finally cried, “Kill me, I plead with you, let me die”. But there was nothing more to settle. The words of the victim “I will die for you!” had settled it all. It expressed the awesome power of brotherly love.
With a heavy heart the pardoned young brother returned to his home where he cried to God in total anguished. “Lord, he pleaded in tears, help me! I am guilty, unhappy and I really regret my past life. However, I want to make a new start. My brother died for me so that I could live today. He let me have his clothes but I am totally unworthy to wear them. Lord, I depend on you to change me and protect me from all sin and wrong, so I can wear my brother’s clothes without shame.

The significance of this story can be found in the Bible. Maybe you have read or heard the gospel many times without it having any affect on your life. However, the message of the Bible is addressed to you personally. Think about the words of Jesus, his life, his death and his resurrection in relationship to your life.


Brittjay said...

Wow this is such a great blog. It tells the story of our Loving Savior. Love it!:-)
-High Heels And High Standards

Brittjay said...

Wow this is such a great blog. It tells the story of our Loving Savior. Love it!:-)
-High Heels And High Standards