Wednesday, May 9, 2012

God will locate you!

Have you ever been to new place searching for a post office, house, office or school? Sometimes it could be very challenging especially when there is no one available for further direction to the location.
 In life we might sometimes feel lost in destination; dreams or goals set but trust God to locate you!
It was Friday May 4th 2012 when I got home from work, my mom told me my Dad has been hospitalized after he was bitten by a poisonous snake in the farm. I sighed and immediately called my Dad but he did not answer his phone. It was then I realized there was something wrong. Being the only boy (man) among three sisters’ means there was danger ahead. Funeral plans?
Honestly, I thought it was all over for my Dad because this was the third time he had encountered a snake in his life. Just then, I realized I cannot easily throw in the towel; I went on my knees to pray for God’s intervention.  I prayed and cried all night to God to locate my Dad! God indeed interceded and located him. He healed him!
 Sunday May 6th 2012- My Dad was discharged home after his ‘survival’ with the snake. At that time the family seemed to be in a happy mood again as we appreciated what God has done for us.
On Monday May 7th 2012 at 08: 21 pm, I received a text from a friend that she had just been diagnosed with gastric ulcer also known as PUD. I had to cut down the merry making and interceded in prayers. Again, through prayers God located and healed her.

Fortunately, God does not use Google maps or atlas in locating his people. He answers the prayer of the righteous. This means we all have the address to get to Him (Prayer) and when we dial the right numbers (follow his instructions), He will surely answer and deliver us. The situation I found my self indicates that our God is not asleep; He is at work to help his chosen people. W e might be driving 4x4 on earth but God might also be driving 12x12 ranger rovers in heaven.
Prayer is always the key to unlock doors of sorrow, worry and frustrations. When we pray, we call on God to show us that He is a problem solver. The Bible says Pray without ceasing! Our prayers to God should continue.
In order to answer the door to Jesus you don't have to sweep the floor or clean the house He's visiting YOU not the house. Let’s prepare our hearts for God to dwell in us. He wants to use us as an instrument of change. Proverbs 12:15 says the way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
It doesn't matter what the situation appears to be. In the end, God knows what it shall be!
The things you feel you can't do, God will do through you! Trust, believe, & receive. God is about to do a new thing!

By: Samuel Mantey
Twitter: SamuelMantey

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